The two presentations to Markets held, one in June/Lisbon (PT Meeting Center) and another in July/Porto (Porto Palácio Congress Hotel & Spa), moderated by the representative of HT Douro (Mr. António Garcia) and organized with the support of the Luso-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the British Chamber of Commerce and the Luso-Colombian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, had the same goal but two distinguished guest speakers, the Executive President of Luso-Colombian CCI (Ms. Rosário Marques) and the Manager and Member of the Board of Directors of Luso-Colombian CCI (Mr. António Lima), both knowledgeable and experienced in the global market.
Their presentations were of great value to the perception of the dynamic and demanding nature of international trade, highlighting with great expectation the development and preparation of the Porto Douro Wines Pro Stock Market's worldwide opening by Go Origin.
Afterwards and before all the guests, it continued to the information and training process about the Go Origin system and the presentation of the new features to be made available to the Traders (Buyers) from several Markets (traditional, emerging, venture), demand representatives, which after participation in Pro Stock Market's registration and admission process, gather with Producers (Sellers) and all gain the global market strategic management's capabilities to develop its activity in Porto Douro Wines Pro Stock Market's environment, side by side with the Official Partners, the Strategic Partners, and the Go Origin.