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Go Origin signs Official Partnerships with the IVDP, the TPNP and the EEN - European Commission

In this unique and innovative moment, the Official Partnership (OP) protocols were signed between Go Origin and the three Partners of Excellence. With the New Economy (4.0) assumptions, which dematerialize the documents themselves and uses the qualified electronic signature, these protocols enable the assignment of the unique Official Partner ID code (ID OP) to access the Go Origin system of Porto Douro Wines Pro Stock Market´s support.

With the signing of these partnerships, the Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto reinforces its mission in the defence and protection of the "Douro" and "Porto" denominations of origin, the Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal shows its ability to value and develop the tourism potential of the Douro's demarcated region and the Enterprise Europe Network, represented by the Associação Empresarial de Portugal (AEP), fosters the business internationalization and encourages European cooperation between companies.

The AEP General Council's chamber hosted for this ceremony Producers, Traders, other partners of excellence and media, who heard the representatives of these institutions underline the quality of this project by commercial innovation, the permanent creation of business opportunities, costs reduction and a closer supply and demand, allowing business efficiency gains from the Porto Douro Wines Pro Stock Market's worldwide opening.


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